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Earth Plane - that dimensional "reality" where Souls incarnate to experience limitation and polarity for the expansion of their God Consciousness; the densest vibration where Love can be experienced in form. (see Polarities)
 Lite meaning: Lifestyles of the bitch and heinous; playground of the damned; God's petting zoo; Jesus' aquarium conspiracy; Magical Misery Tour.


Effortless - the Soul's way of "doing" things in the sweet ease. Everything is already accomplished. All we do is bring our Consciousness to it. Within this Moment all possibilities exist in a state of waiting to be energized by our thoughts, desires, and feelings so that they can manifest in our lives.
 Lite meaning: Pretty cool, huh? Less is more. The less I do, the more gets done. I can live with that. It's all about Being! As in human being. Not human doing.


Ego Conscious Mind - that aspect of ego called mental body (the brain and all thoughts and ideas) which tend to run (ruin) most people's lives.
 Lite meaning: I've forgotten where I misplaced my mind.


Egoic Functions - all fear based, fed by rage:


Ego Perspective - the negative feelings, word, thoughts, and actions of the ego; the negative voice of the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual bodies.


Ego Process: an exercise in Soul work that has two parts.

A. Ego-Personality - how you present yourself in the world.
Steps to follow:
1. Make the calls for Inner Planes work. (see Inner planes)
2. Ask Soul to bring you a symbol of your ego personality.
3. Take that symbol and place it in the circle of Christ Light for transformation.
4. Watch as the symbol is transformed before and within you.
5. Ask Soul for the meaning behind the symbol and it's transformation.
6. Give thanks for the symbol(s), its transformation, and the meaning behind this.

B. Ego-Conscious Mind - what runs you in the world.
Steps to follow:
1. Make the calls for Inner Planes work.
2. Ask Soul to bring you a symbol of your ego-conscious mind.
3. Take that symbol and place it in the circle of Christ Light for transformation.
4. Watch as the symbol is transformed for you.
5. Ask Soul for the meaning behind the symbol and it's transformation.
6. Give thanks for the symbol(s), its transformation, and the meaning behind this.


Ego Self - that part of ourselves that most people know as their identity. The ego is made up of all our past experiences, conditionings, beliefs, behaviors, fears, identities, thoughts, feelings, and all imprintings from our parents. It is our sense of separation from one another and from God. It is what drives our addictions, compulsions, depressions, wars, famines, conflicts, politics, diseases, and every other negative thing that you can think of. However, the ego is not our enemy. It is one of our greatest teachers. The ego yearns to be recognized for the important role that it plays in our eventual awakening to God, which we are. It desires to be loved and appreciated, not obliterated. It desires to be transformed; raised up into the vibration of Soul.


Embracing The Ego - Soul honoring the ego's need to be loved and accepted.
 Lite meaning: Basically, get a grip on yourself.


Emotional Body - one of the 4 lower bodies; the subtle energy body through which feelings are created, expressed, and stored. The ego is fully resident here. (see Bodies, Lower Bodies)


Energy Constipation - being blocked in any of the 4 lower bodies (physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual). These blockages are caused by denial of the imprinting of unfinished Mommy/Daddy business: negative patterning, fear, resentment, rage, etc… (see Unfinished Mommy/Daddy Business)
 Lite meaning: Not enough light/lite fiber running through the ego.


Enthusiasm - an intense feeling for a subject or a cause, inspired by magnetic feelings of joy; Greek meaning: a passionate response. This is one of the Soul qualities. (see Soul qualities)


Erotic, Sacred - acknowledging the Divine sexual nature of our Being. We hold this energy and these parts of our anatomy to be sacred, holy, pleasurable, God created, God infilled, guiltless, and sin free.
 Lite meaning: Kinda sounds like low-fat food.

Esoteric Teachings - in ancient times these Teachings were always held in utmost secrecy. They were considered "too deep and impenetrable" for the collective consciousness, (i.e. humanity as a whole). The GOD THOUGHTS are Esoteric Teachings. They cannot be explained by logic or reason. They cannot be proven by any scientific method. They require Truth and Faith. They are more real than the illusion called "reality". They are known by all mystics: known by the Heart, not by the ego conscious mind.


ET's - those fun-loving aspects of God that just can't seem to get a life or mind their own business.....

Pick one
 1. Those future parts of ourselves taking a joyride back in time to poke fun at their past lives.
 2. Little roving bands of grey space debris that have nothing better to do than to vandalize our wheat fields.
 3. Pleidians out looking for a good burger joint.
 4. Lucifer's totally burned-out angels taking a much needed Spring break.


Eternal - everlasting, on-going, without end; the Continuum of Consciousness, whether in form or formlessness.


Eternity - this Moment in its most expansive expression; moving infinitely forward and backward, upward and downward, inward and outward; encompassing all Time and Space within itself. God is the ongoingness of the Continuum of Consciousness.


Everything is a Symbol - in life everything is a symbol that represents what is going on within us. For example, if the clutch in your car gets stuck in 3rd gear, this may be a symbol for you to look at areas in your life where you are stuck. Our Soul will interpret all symbols for us when we ask. It speaks the Language of Light and sees the Big Picture. With Soul's interpretation, we can understand what is "really going on". (see Language of Light)


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