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The Practices

#2 Do The Ego Process Daily

The Ego Process is a two-part Soul exercise. It provides union and communion with your Soul on a daily basis. The two parts include "Looking in" on your ego-personality and on your ego-conscious mind. When you "look in" on your ego-personality, the information received relates to how you present yourself in the world, the masks you wear. When you "look in" on your ego-conscious mind, you are presented with clarity on the thoughts that run you. This is an extremely valuable tool. At any moment, you can check in on where you are in your life at the egoic level. Knowing this, you are at choice to change any energies that do not feel appropriate to you. You can choose to work with the symbols and words given by your Soul. You can shift the energies through doing the Ego Process/Soul Work. This is then outpictured in your life.

I have been doing this Process for many years. I have fine-tuned my ability to access wisdom from my Soul. I check in on a daily basis. I see how differently I now function in the world than I had previously. Through the Process, I am able to create change and transformation in myself on a daily basis. Initially, I received the same symbols for the ego-personality and the ego-conscious mind. The more I focused on these symbols with my Soul, the more they began to change and transform. Then my life began to shift. I look forward to receiving the daily gifts from the Ego Process/Soul Words. I see the symbols and the Bigger Picture of what they mean to me. How they outpicture in my life is reflected back to me as I live in Consciousness. (See Ego Process/Language of Light Glossary)


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